Bishop Tissier de Mallerais
October 2024: Requiescat in Pace

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, consecrated a bishop by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in June 1988, who died on 8th October, 2024.
The motto of his Spiritual Father, Archbishop Lefebvre, was Tradidi Quod Et Accepi - he handed on to Bishop Tissier what he had himself received. Did Bishop Tissier hand on what he received from Archbishop Lefebvre?
"... His Lordship accepted to see me on the 16th of August in Econe. For 15 minutes or so, I reeled under a powerful episcopal broadside, all my joints shaking under the cold anger of His Lordship Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais. My attitude, he said, was completely out of place, taking upon myself a task that does not belong to me and making a show of total disobedience.
I tried to recover by saying that I had grave doctrinal difficulties with bishop Fellay, showing, as usual, my little collection of quotes called 'I Excuse the Council'. His Lordship answered:
'I know, I know; I have 10 times more of these quotes favorable to Vatican II that you don’t know of!'
'But, my Lord, how can we be so quiet about this and the lamentable outcome of the General Chapter?'
'The General Chapter, he answered, was a disaster; I signed my name there, because it was a collegial action, but certainly not to say that I agreed with the contents. Therefore trust what the generals do, take your assignment in France and be quiet for at least three months.'
'My Lord, the ship is taking water; it is torn open under the waterline. I do admire what you and others have done to try to save her, but you know full well that error is now spreading through the official channels of the SSPX. How can you offset the whole weight of the institution, the teachers put into position in the seminaries, the watered down sermons and publications… Our faithful stay less and less away from indult masses, mix up marriage ceremonies, practice NFP more and more without the grave reasons mandated by Pius XII, making NFP an open door to more wicked forms of contraception. Their minds are getting infected by DICI. It is natural for them to trust the two assistants who go even further than bishop Fellay and preach the scary good news that Rome has changed…'
I went on for quite some time, accepting corrections on some points like the fact that we cannot hold the Pope fully responsible for the nomination of bad bishops in the whole world. Otherwise I told him that he can disavow me as much as he likes but that this whole silence of this summer is contre-nature, antinatural: 'I cannot and will not accept it, even if I get abused and thrown out. I cannot accept this incoming massacre of souls which is prepared more by the erosion of minds than by the actual signing of an agreement with Rome. If only your Lorships made a public stand against Menzingen I would gladly fall in line and follow the captain. I agree that it is not my job to speak out, but if the shepherds are asleep, the dogs are the next line of resistance, as the wolves have entered the barn. ..."
(From 'War Aims' by Fr. Francois Chazal, September 2012 -