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Open Letter to my Fellow Priests,
Faithful and Friends

Nova Friburgo, 

13th May 2012. 

Anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady of Fatima.



Reading the letter of three Bishops of the Society to the General House and the response of this one by Bishop Fellay and his followers, (this letter has more or less the same mistakes that the ones expressed by Dom Gérard, Bishop Rifan and Father Muñoz) I want to express:

1. Our total adhesion to the SPPX and to his Founder and therefore my absolute support to the three Bishops who remain faithful to the work of Archbishop Lefebvre in whom I place my obedience.

2. My disregard for the authority of Bishop Fellay, due his obstinacy and deviation from the principles of the founder, and for all who share his position to hand over Rome; my rejection to the position of Bishop Fellay founded on his political views deviated from the “Yes, yes- no, no” of the Gospel and also deviated from the principles given by Archbishop Lefebvre.

3. Our absolute rejection to any agreement with the modernist Rome, at which this bishop, BF, is dragging us shamelessly in a suicide operation, ignoring the advice of:


a) Our Fouder

b): His three fellow Bishops.

c) Several priests over the past few years, who objected with good reason the steps taken towards the communion with a church  defined as "post-conciliar" and non-Catholic, who is the enemy of Our Lord and of his universal kingdom; and ended up expelled or resigned to avoid ending up in the unfortunate situation in which we are placed today.



4.  For this reason, I make an appeal to the three bishops who remain faithful and have the authority bequeathed by the founder, to take charge of the fraternity to avoid dismantling and dispersal.

5. I call upon the faithful members who still keep loyalty, faithfulness and obedience to our founder, to clearly and effectively support our three loyal bishops and remove the support to all the obsequious followers who have allowed with his consent, cooperation and silence the current state of things leading to the irremediable division of the Fraternity.

Because we are confirmed, we are soldiers or Christ the King; we made the anti-modernist oath prior to our ordination, for not to end up in the perjury and apostasy, I urge everyone to take a tough stance on tradition, to direct our efforts to support the defense of the Society, safely boat in which many goals have been reached and in which we have survived the apostasy of our times, while waiting for a real and complete conversion of the Pope and the Eternal Rome.

Confident in the consecration once made by our religious family to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, let’s fight with Her and for Her until the end, Amen.


  Fr. E.J.J.Cardozo



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“Holy abandonment is found ‘not in resignation and laziness but at the heart of action and initiative.’ It would be dishonest to pray for victory without really fighting for it. [...] ‘The things I pray for’, St. Thomas More prayed magnanimously, ‘dear Lord, give me the grace to work for.’ ”


   (“The Biography of Marcel Lefebvre” p. 568)



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